email: ndywting@imu.edu.cn
(1) 2014-09 至 2019-07, 哈尔滨工业大学, 防灾减灾工程及防护工程, 博士, 导师: 郭安薪
(2) 2017-10 至 2018-10, 英属哥伦比亚大学(ubc), 土木工程, 联培博士生, 导师: tony yang
(3) 2012-09 至 2014-07, 哈尔滨工业大学, 工程力学, 硕士, 导师: 单宝华
(4) 2007-09 至 2011-07, 内蒙古工业大学, 土木工程, 学士
2019-07 至 2022-12, 中国矿业大学, 合作导师: 东兆星
(1) 国家自然科学基金青年项目,2024-01 至 2026-12,30万元,在研,主持
(2) 江苏省自然科学基金青年项目,2021-07 至 2024-06,20万元,在研,主持
(3) 内蒙古大学“学术骨干”高层次人才科研启动项目, 2023-07至2026-06, 150万,在研,主持
(4) 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,2020-10至2022-09,8万元,结题,主持
(5) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金,2020-1至2021-12,6万元,结题,主持
(1) yuan wenting; wang yuren; dong zhaoxing; fang qinghe. experimental study on mechanical properties of corroded grouted sleeve splice, construction and building materials, 2024, 412, 134797. (中科院一区,top期刊)
(2) yuan wenting; wang xiatao; guo anxin; li chaolai; dong zhaoxing; wu xiangtong. cyclic performance of rc bridge piers retrofitted with uhpc jackets: experimental investigation, engineering structures, 2022, 259, 114139. (jcr一区)
(3) yuan wenting; guo anxin; li hui. equivalent elastic modulus of reinforcement to consider bond-slip effects of coastal bridge piers with non-uniform corrosion, engineering structures, 2020, 210. (jcr一区)
(4) yuan wenting; wang xiatao; dong zhaoxing; zhou peng; wang qiang. cyclic loading test for rc bridge piers strengthened with uhpc jackets in the corrosive environment, soil dynamics and earthquake engineering, 2022, 158, 107290.(jcr二区)
(5) yuan wenting; guo anxin; yuan wei; li hui ; experimental investigation on cyclic behavior of coastal bridge piers with non-uniform corrosion under biaxial quasi-static loads, construction and building materials, 2018, 190: 222-234. (中科院一区,top期刊)
(6) 袁文厅; 齐燕军; 方庆贺. 腐蚀近海桥墩十字形双向拟静力试验及损伤分析, 工程力学, 2022, 39(3): 115-125. (本一级学科权威期刊)
(7) yuan wenting; fang qinghe; dong zhaoxing. evaluation of biaxial strength deterioration for coastal bridge piers under non-uniform corrosion, ksce journal of civil engineering, 2022, 26(3): 1329-1343.
(8) yuan wenting; wu xiangtong; wang yuren; liu zhenliang; zhou peng. time-dependent seismic reliability of coastal bridge piers subjected to non-uniform corrosion, materials, 2023, 16: 1029.
(9) wu xiangtong; yuan wenting; guo anxin. reliability-based life-cycle cost seismic design optimization of coastal bridge piers with nonuniform corrosion using different materials, earthquake engineering and engineering vibration, 2024, 23(1): 209-225.
(1) 袁文厅, 郭安薪, 东兆星, 周鹏. 一种腐蚀桥墩的双向压弯承载力劣化程度评估方法(zl 202110912074.2).
(2) 袁文厅, 王育人,东兆星. 一种评估灌浆套筒连接件锈蚀后的剩余力学性能的方法(发明专利申请号:202210402948.4).
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